Earth Day Raises Awareness of Environmental Challenges

 In Sustainability

Earth Day Raises Awareness of Environmental Challenges Including the Threat of Disposable Plastic to our Environment.

Why Earth Day Matters
Saturday April 22 marks the 47th Annual Earth Day.  Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has grown into an international movement that promotes environmental and legislative campaigns.  The Earth Day network has promoted the passage of groundbreaking legislation such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.  Prior to the passage of Clean Air and Clean Water Actst in the early 1970’s polluting emissions and substances were released into the air and water.

Imagine a river catching on fire.  It happened.  The Cuyahoga River caught on fire in June of 1969.  This fire was a caused by pollutants from nearby factories being released into the river, and an oil slick forming and catching fire.  Thanks to the Clean Water Act, pollutant emissions are regulated.

There was an obvious need to stop the environmental destruction.  In 1969, after witnessing the ravages of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, Senator Gaylord Nelson had the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment”. Nelson, along with Senator Pete McCloskey and Denis Hayes from Harvard University decided upon April 22 as the day to observe Earth Day.  In 1990 Earth Day went international, and paved the way for the  1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.  For his efforts Senator Gaylord Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by then president Bill Clinton in 1995.

Learn more about the history of Earth Day:

Earth Day Call to Action

For the past 47 years, the Earth Day organization has made much progress, but there is still more work to be done.  The Earth Day organization continuously works to educate the public regarding the critical issues that threaten our environment.   Earth Day’s mission is to “diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide” working through a “combination of education, public policy, and consumer campaigns”.

Today with more than 1 billion people around the globe participating,  Earth Day is the largest civic observance in the world.   The purpose is to use this day to raise awareness of the environmental challenges that need to be addressed every day of the year.

One of the most threatening environmental challenge is the impact resulting from the accumulation of plastic waste.  Over 300 million tons of plastic is produced yearly.  , and American alone discards over 30 million tons of plastic.

Learn more about the environmental impact of disposable plastic:

Disposable Plastic is a Threat to the Environment

Plastic is one of the largest treats to the environment:

  • Plastic never goes away.
  • Plastic piles up in the environment.
  • Plastic poisons our food chain.
  • Plastic affects human health.
  • Plastic spoils our groundwater.
  • Plastic attracts other pollutants.
  • Plastic threatens wildlife.
  • Plastic costs billions to abate

Learn more about the threats of plastic:

Recycling Plays a Critical Role

The plastic issue has reached critical mass.  Landfills are full of discarded plastic bottles, containers, and countless other items.  Not only should we use less plastic on a daily basis, but we must also recycle and reuse the plastic that has already been manufactured.   American alone discard over 30 million tons of plastic every year.  This plastic is clogging our land fills and oceans, poisoning our oceans, groundwater, soil, and the food chain.

The disposable plastic issue is the polluting emissions problem of modern times.  This is why it is so crucial that the education and information initiatives started by the Earth Day network continue.

Waste and Recycling Containers made from Recycled Materials   

R3 Site Furnishings not only manufacture, but we use recycled  materials to make these receptacles.   We use Duralumber, made from HDPE.  HDPE is an acronym for High Density Polyethylene.  HDPE is made primarily from recycled milk jugs and detergent bottles.   Products from HDPE are considered eco-friendly because it does not contain harmful substances such as BPA and other allergens.

Celebrate Earth Day with waste and recycling receptacles made from recycled materials!  See R3 Site Furnishings full collection of Waste and Recycling Receptacles.


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recycled plastic restaurant furniture